Digital X-rays
Digital X-rays are an innovative diagnostic tool that provides a more detailed examination of the teeth. Unlike traditional radiographic film, digital X-rays upload images electronically to a computer using an electronic sensor. This allows Dr. Melissa Rosenfeld and the rest of the team to enlarge the images and closely examine any potential issues that may not be visible to the naked eye. The digital X-ray images provide a more detailed view of the teeth and oral cavity when uploaded to the computer. Additionally, the software used on the computer enables dentists to accurately measure the size of cavities and previous dental work.
Digital X-rays Reveal

What Can Digital X-rays Reveal?

The message includes the following:

Loss of bone

Decay of teeth, particularly between them

Malignant and non-malignant tumors

Abnormalities in children's development

Cysts and abscesses

Issues beneath the gum line

Abnormalities within the tooth

Poor positioning of roots and teeth

Are Digital X-rays Safe?

Traditional dental radiography emits a minimal amount of radiation. However, digital X-rays use significantly less radiation, about 80 to 90% less than conventional X-rays, making them safer for patients.

The radiation used in capturing X-ray images on film is not a cause for concern. The amount of radiation in dental X-rays is comparable to the radiation we encounter daily from sources like UV rays, living in a brick house, sleeping next to someone, or even reading a book for three hours each day.

Digital X-rays offer several advantages, including the ability to enlarge images, measure abnormalities, and detect potential problems. This diagnostic technology is beneficial for patients as it can help prevent expensive and invasive treatments for undetected abnormalities.

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