Tooth Extractions
A dental extraction is a dental procedure that involves removing a tooth from the mouth. This procedure is typically necessary when a tooth is severely damaged and cannot be repaired. The main reasons for tooth extractions include:
  • Severe tooth decay or infection can render tooth repair impossible
  • Advanced gum disease may necessitate tooth extraction to prevent damage to supporting tissues and bone structures in the mouth
  • Tooth extraction may be necessary if a tooth is obstructing the eruption of other teeth
  • During orthodontic treatment, teeth may need to be extracted to make space for the repositioning of other teeth
  • Wisdom teeth are commonly extracted either before or after they erupt

What can you anticipate?

Your dentist will initially apply an anesthetic to numb the area and alleviate any discomfort. While the tooth is being extracted, you may experience the sensation of pressure, but you won't feel any pain. Typically, the dentist can complete the tooth removal in just a few minutes.

After the extraction, a slight amount of bleeding is expected, and a piece of gauze will be positioned in the affected area. There might be minimal bleeding over the next 24 hours, gradually diminishing thereafter. Adhere to your dentist's guidance regarding the frequency of changing the gauze and other post-procedure instructions.

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